I enjoyed reading this series as a boy. In the 80's movies like Platoon and Full Metal Jacket captured the consciousness of the nation and this series by Marvel was an attempt to tap in to that. I have issues 1-38 and am listed them mostly for $3 apiece (with exception of 1, 8, 26) plus shipping. Luckily, by the time this series came out in late 87 I was an 'experienced' collector and was in the habit of bagging (sometimes boarding) my comics. so these books still have white pages and pristine corners. They still smell like new comics, which was cool to see.
It is time to list them as my fascination with Vietnam has changed. Also, while I liked the series when it came out, it did not have the same feel for me as say GIJoe. So it is time to part with it. (also if I am being completely honest, I am going to more ComicCon lately -to involve one this weekend- and I need to clear out some box space to make room for stuff like my hunt for all of the Marvel 25th anniversary boarder covers! Enjoy the Nam series!