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  • Writer's pictureJon

Every product repriced in time for the Holidays!

Hey everyone some news that benefits all of you! I have repriced all of my comics on the site. Funny (and frustrating) story, I have had some ecommerce issues as of late, some I am still working on but a few I fixed. ( I thought the cover of Avengers 252 was appropriate to how I felt trying to fix this stuff.) Last week I recived a notification my domain name was inactive (whatever that even means...) so I had to call tech support to get that fixed. Then, I was trying to cancel the 20% sale and re-price all the books. However, apparently you can't do this all in a few clicks, or at least I could not figure out how... and the prices on all the comics got increased by 20% but then the sale of 20% was still 'active.' :(. Long story but the only work around I could come up with was to individiually click on each separate comic on the website and manually change the sale and re-price each book, with over 500 comics on my site, that was alot of clicks! Still working on a few gliches but at least the books are fixed in time for holiday deals!

All of the books are now below FMV (fair market value) and priced to sell. I had my 53rd edition overstreet comic price guide handy as I went through and adjusted everything to meet the realities of the ecomony and current market prices. My CGC Slabs might still be higher than the raw books, but I I am trying to not take too much of a loss on the cost of mailing, pressing, grading and slabbing. However, if you have questions on anything happy to answer them or discuss deals, email Happy Holidays, Merry Christmans, and hope you find something you are looking for!

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