I guess the so called FOMO (fear of missing out) is a real thing. Kang the Conqueror is hot after appearing in LOKI, and as the new MCU bad guy to be starting in the next AntMan movie. On a kind of experiment, I started posting a few books that have Kang the Conqueror and man did they sell quick! Everyone wanted a copy of the Kang books as I guess they think they might skyrocket in price if the movie is a hit. We will see. Buinesswise,

I guess that means post more books with all things Kang in them and price accordingly! I should mention the books I sold are the raw ones. Graded slabs are still up from grabs but also more pricy. Maybe those will go as we get closer to the Holidays- a more expensive stocking stuffer. In the meantime its back to pulling books that have a Kang storyline so I can continue to ride the FOMO wave!